Peritoneal dialysis and center effect




center effect, peritoneal dialysis, assisted peritoneal dialysis, nurse, peritonitis, home visit


Outcomes of patients treated by peritoneal dialysis depends on their characteristics, which generally cannot be modified. Conversely, center characteristics or practices having an effect on the outcomes of patients and may be subject to change. Study the center effect and identify "center" variables associated with the patient's future is therefore necessary. Taken as part of a science thesis, the importance of the center effect and the role and importance of nursing home visits in preventing peritoneal infections. We also observed that there was a disparity between centers in the use and allocation of home assistance by a nurse for carrying out dialysis. In a context where organizations favor the versatility of health professionals, our work underlines the importance of the experience and expertise of peritoneal dialysis nurses in the success of the method.

Increasing the size of the centers and optimizing resources could have a beneficial effect on the survival of the method by improving the experience of the centers.


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How to Cite

Guillouët S. Peritoneal dialysis and center effect. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3(4):197-211. Available from: