Peritoneal dialysis in indigenous australians.

a critical review and personal opinions




Peritoneal dialysis, indigenous, Aboriginal, Outcomes, deprivation, poverty, renal failure, The Kimberley, Australia


Indigenous people in wealthy countries have outcomes of chronic disease that are comparable to those of patients in low socio-economic developing countries. This is not different for renal disease and outcomes of renal replacement therapy. This chapter addresses the dilemmas of using Peritoneal Dialysis in aboriginal patients in Australia. The focus is on aboriginal people in very remote areas and some personal views are presented as to the causes of the gap between outcomes for aboriginal and non-aboriginal patients and how the many failed attempts to close the gap could be addressed.


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How to Cite

Rosman J. Peritoneal dialysis in indigenous australians.: a critical review and personal opinions. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4(3):183-92. Available from: