French translation of «ISPD peritonitis guideline recommendations:2022 update on prevention and treatment. »


  • Max Dratwa CHU Brugmann, Brussels (Belgium)
  • Christian Verger RDPLF, (Pontoise France)



ISPD guidelines, peritonitis, prevention, treatment


Information about this translation : As part of a partnership agreement between the ISPD and the RDPLF (

), the RDPLF is the official French translator of the ISPD recommendations. The translation does not give rise to any financial compensation from each company and the RDPLF undertakes to faithfully translate the original text under the responsibility of two nephrologists known for their expertise in the field. Before publication, the text was submitted to ISPD for approval. The translation is available on the ISPD website and in the Bulletin de la Dialyse à Domicile. This translation is, like the original, freely downloadable under copyright license CC By 4.0 nc/4.0/This translation is intended to help professionals in the French-speaking community to read the ISPD recommendations in their mother language. Any reference in an article must be made to the original text in open access: Peritoneal Dialysis International:

https: //


Dratwa, Max, et Christian Verger. 2021. « Signature d’un Accord Entre ISPD Et RDPLF Pour La Traduction Des Recommandations ». Bulletin De La Dialyse à Domicile 4 (3).

Li PK, Chow KM, Cho Y, Fan S, Figueiredo AE, Harris T, Kanjanabuch T, Kim YL, Madero M, Malyszko J, Mehrotra R, Okpechi IG, Perl J, Piraino B, Runnegar N, Teitelbaum I, Wong JK, Yu X, Johnson DW. ISPD peritonitis guideline recommendations: 2022 update on prevention and treatment. Perit Dial Int. 2022 Mar;42(2):110-153. doi: 10.1177/08968608221080586. PMID: 35264029.



How to Cite

Dratwa M, Verger C. French translation of «ISPD peritonitis guideline recommendations:2022 update on prevention and treatment. ». Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];5(2):123-77. Available from: