RDPLF annual report: Profile of peritoneal dialysis patients in France in 2022, synthetic raw results





Registry, RDPLF, peritoneal dialysis, France, annual report


We present the main descriptive data of patients treated by peritoneal dialysis in France in 2022 in the form of tables and graphs. Patients from DROM-TOM and other French-speaking countries and regions of the RDPLF will be described in a future issue in order to group together regions with similar socio-economic and climatic characteristics.

Since the SARS-Cov2 epidemic in 2020 and the three years that followed, the number of patients treated by peritoneal dialysis in France has decreased by 6.7%, but with significant regional variations ranging from +20% to -30%.

Vascular (23.5%) and diabetic (20.5%) nephropathies are the most numerous.

The average age for CAPD is 70 years and 58 years for APD

36% of patients are assisted by a nurse and 5% by a family member.

The average waiting time for transplant patients was 20 months.

There is a great difference in the technique of catheter placement with a catheter survival of 72% at 5 years.


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How to Cite

Verger C, Fabre E. RDPLF annual report: Profile of peritoneal dialysis patients in France in 2022, synthetic raw results. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];6(1):41-9. Available from: https://bdd.rdplf.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/77293