Emergence Infection With Staphylococcus carnosus in Peritoneal Dialysis: Case Report


  • Justine Schricke Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, service dialyse péritonéale, Dunkerque
  • Manon Geeraer Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, service dialyse péritonéale, Dunkerque (France)
  • Raymond Azar Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, service dialyse péritonéale, Dunkerque (France)




peritoneal dialysis, exit site, infection, catheter, staphylococcuc carnosus


We report a rare clinical case of Staphylococcus carnosus infection at a peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter’s emergence.
The patient is an 81-year-old being treated with PD for end-stage renal disease. The patient started peritoneal dialysis on August 12, 2019, with Tenckhoff catheter placement on July 17, 2019. Since the start of PD, several emergence infections have occurred with different germs. On July 22, 2024, when the dressing was being re-dressed, the private nurse took a bacteriological sample in view of inflammation without discharge at the catheter emergence site. Bacteriological analysis revealed S. carnosus, which was treated with mupirocin for 8 days. The clinical and biological evolution was favorable, with a sterile control sample.
This case appears to be the first known on a worldwide and human scale and adds to the knowledge of rare infections of peritoneal dialysis catheter emergencies. The germ is also present in animals and foodstuffs.

Author Biographies

Manon Geeraer, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, service dialyse péritonéale, Dunkerque (France)

Registered Nurse Hôpital Alexandra Lepève DUNKERQUE, service dialyse péritonéale

Raymond Azar, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, service dialyse péritonéale, Dunkerque (France)

Néphrologist,head of nephrology - hemodialysis department, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève DUNKERQUE


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How to Cite

Schricke J, Geeraer M, Azar R. Emergence Infection With Staphylococcus carnosus in Peritoneal Dialysis: Case Report. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];7(4):195-8. Available from: https://bdd.rdplf.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/84953