About Pierre-Yves Durand

Pierre-Yves DURAND is head of the ECHO dialysis department in Morbihan-Sud (French Britanny), after having developed Peritoneal Dialysis  (PD) in the Nancy University Hospital (East French region).

He currently works on promoting PD in low PD prevalence countries.

Its main works concerned APD and adequacy, intraperitoneal pressure, lead poisonning. He is the inventor of the reference method to measure the intraperitoneal pressure in PD patients. He was promoted Project Manager by the High Health Authority (HAS) for the french PD guidelines.

He is a lecturer in the universities of Paris and Strasbourg, in the fields of peritoneal dialysis adequacy and automated peritoneal dialysis. He is author and co-author of more than 350 original articles, communications and other publications. Author of a book on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (Masson Eds, 1998)

ORCID id : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3444-0181

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