Home dialysis and Covid-19 in french speaking countries (RDPLF data-base)

Focus on peritoneal dialysis





Covid-19, SARS-Cov2, Home dialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, mortality, lethality, French speaking countries


Aims of the study: to assess the frequency of symptomatic Covid-19 in home dialysis patients and its influence on the number of patients treated at home in dialysis units of centers included in the French-speaking peritoneal and home hemodialysis Registry (RDPLF). Focus is placed on patients treated by peritoneal dialysis (PD) in mainland France.

Results: in home hemodialysis (HHD)the incidence is 6% in Belgium and 4.8% in mainland France. On peritoneal dialysis it is 10.6% in Belgium, 6.7% in mainland France, 10.8% in Morocco and 11.5% in Tunisia. Lethality is less than 5% in HHD and between 8.4% and 42.7% in PD depending on age and associated comorbidities. In France, the percentage of patients who have had symptomatic Covid-19 is lower on home dialysis, all methods combined. Nevertheless, among the home methods, the higher frequencies and severities are observed in mainland France in home assisted PD: these are the oldest and most co-morbid patients. Transfers from PD to in center hemodialysis have increased during Covid-19 pandemic while the number of transplants has decreased.

Conclusion: if the drop in the number of transplants can be explained by a reduced availability of operating theaters and surgical teams during a pandemic period, it is paradoxical that the prescription of home dialysis, which should be supposed to limit the risk of contagion, has decreased. More investigation should be performed to understand this paradox.



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How to Cite

Verger C, Fabre E, Durand P-Y, Chanliau J, Vernier I, Dratwa M. Home dialysis and Covid-19 in french speaking countries (RDPLF data-base): Focus on peritoneal dialysis. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];4(3):227-3. Available from: https://bdd.rdplf.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/63003