About Isbelle Vernier

Isabelle Vernier is a nephrologist who graduated from the University of Toulouse. She first practiced at the Toulouse University Hospital from 1985 to 2003 then at the Narbonne polyclinic until 2020 where she developed the peritoneal dialysis program in both instutions.


She is co-founder and in charge for the catheter module of the French Language Peritoneal Dialysis Registry since 1997: this module includes the history and monitoring of more than 14,000 peritoneal dialysis catheters implanted by surgeons or nephrologists; this is the first peritoneal dialysis catheter registry in the world.


Isabelle Vernier has participated in the French-language peritoneal dialysis dialysis registry since 1997 and in the home hemodialysis registry since 2016.


She has worked for the complementarity of all dialysis techniques, at home or in  center, by defending the free patient choice. She regularly publishes her works on peritoneal dialysis catheters in national and international journals. Since the cessation  of her clinical activity, she continues to analyse the data from the catheter module and participates in the drafting of the RDPLF journal, the Bulletin de la Dialyse à Domicile.


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