Evaluation of professional practices in the management of anemia and nutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients: About a single-center experience


  • Manon Geeraert Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, peritoneal diaysis unit, Dunkerque (France)
  • Justine SCHRICKE Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, peritoneal dialysis unit, Dunkerque (France)
  • Raymond Azar Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, nephrology-hemodialysis unit, Dunkerque (France)




anemia, peritoneal dialysis, EPP, nutrition


Since the French law of March 4, 2004, healthcare professionals in both the medical and paramedical fields have been participating in developing the evaluation of professional practices (EPP). This initiative forms part of a broader ongoing effort to enhance medical practices.
The EPP is an essential tool for improving the quality of care and guaranteeing patient safety. This assessment can be individual or collective. It aims to target one or more themes to correct any discrepancies between the care provided to patients and a set of standards for care and management.
We have consistently carried out EPPs since 2012, mainly on anemia and nutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients. Through this work, we wish to demonstrate our interest in conducting EPPs in the follow-up of peritoneal dialysis patients.

Author Biographies

Manon Geeraert, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, peritoneal diaysis unit, Dunkerque (France)

Registered Nurse Hôpital Alexandra Lepève DUNKERQUE, service dialyse péritonéale

Justine SCHRICKE, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, peritoneal dialysis unit, Dunkerque (France)

Registered nurse; peritoneal dialysis unit

Raymond Azar, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève, nephrology-hemodialysis unit, Dunkerque (France)

Nephrologist,head of nephrology - hemodialysis department, Hôpital Alexandra Lepève DUNKERQUE


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How to Cite

Geeraert M, SCHRICKE J, Azar R. Evaluation of professional practices in the management of anemia and nutrition in peritoneal dialysis patients: About a single-center experience. Bull Dial Domic [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];7(4):167-75. Available from: https://bdd.rdplf.org/index.php/bdd/article/view/84593